Between Common Time

Between Common Time

Emily Kelly

29 March - 3 May 2025

Between Common Time is the second solo exhibition by Emily Kelly at Life Is Art Gallery. Showcasing an extensive array of new and experimental hybrid ­constructions, the Belgian sculptor blurs the boundaries between surface and form through her use of plaster and wax paper structures.

Between Common Time refers to the structural division of time—both globally ­recognised and personally experienced. For the artist, the separation between work and life exists in an undefined space, like a monochromatic field where edges ­dissolve and merge.

The works ask what time looks like, embracing an affective and emotive approach to the notion and diversity of labor.

These divisions create gaps—moments that exist between and within routine, habit, and systemised repetition. The studio becomes a space of work, yet what is ­produced transcends labor; it becomes time materialised.

Through an interplay of materials, form, and surface, Kelly’s works negotiate the ­liminal, yielding a collection that is at once cohesive and exploratory, structured yet fluid.

Or on appointment