Can't Hide It

Can't Hide It

Onyou Park

22 February - 22 March 2025

I can’t hide it,

can’t hide it in the end.

Ultimately, we have to survive.

We have to live for a long time.

Couldn’t abandon each other.

Characteristics of “all past” and “what will be repeated” iterations and regressions.

It’s all in the past, and it’s going to be repeated. I understand that now.

My grit is hidden in the depths of the earth.

Coexisting in a distance as if something explodes and spreads infinitely in all ­directions.

As a being who lives while dying, the past, present, and future are all in me.

a repetition of the process of freezing, melting, seeping, and pouring again.

I’m not gonna let it go

I’ll do my best to hide it.

Or on appointment